Friday, December 14, 2007

Goals for Today...

Well, I thought I'd post these quick, so that later I can share what of this somewhat overly full list I got done today...hopefully I'll finally even have pictures!

-Finish Christmas apron for my swap partner
-Make several headbands
-Start on fabric books

-Living room, especially desk (and set up computer down there again)
-Dining room table, clean and decorate for Advent
-Run 2 loads of laundry

-Defrost roast for dinner and get into crockpot
-Mix up cranberry bread?

~~Decorating: (much of this will be done as I clean)
-Living room
-Hang snowflakes in windows

~~Most important of all:
-Make ornaments with Jenny (I am planning on this being sticky, and not really resulting in anything pretty, but having lots of fun watching Jenny glue things to Styrofoam balls)

What are all of you doing today?


Elizabeth said...

Today I am sewing furiously on my dress thats due on on Tuesday, and be in a dance performance. Finals week doesn't leave much room for anything but school work.

Sommer said...

Well, I've been busy doing dishes and laundry. I have a little more to do...but I think I'm almost caught up! I made Irish Stew today for lunch and buttery farm biscuits...yum! I hope to get some cookies baked this aftenoon. Maybe I'll post some pictures later:-)

I hope your day is going smoothly and enjoy ornamment making with your sweetie:-)

Lots of love,

Lauren Christine said...

Today I'll be cleaning... and power crochet-ing!! :-D