Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Two Days 'Till Fall

Well, I've done just about nothing these last few days. :-S Not quite what I had planned. Today however, I did walk all the way from my house to my moms with Jenny in the stroller. It's between 2.5 and 3 miles, so it's pretty respectable. And it was such a pretty walk. You really see things differantly when you take a walk instead of zooming by at 25mph. :) And the weather couldn't have been any better, it was just at 60F so I was able to wear my fleece. I forgot Jenny's sweater though, but thankfully she didn't try to kick off her stroller blanket so it worked out well. A little over the half way point, I stopped at the local coffee shop because Jenny was wigging out. I nursed her and got myself an iced mocca and a chocolate chip cookie. Yummy! I ate half of the cookie (and shared a bit with Jenny) and gave the rest to my mom when I got there...I love big cookies!! Oh, and on that note, I've finally started the losing weight process and have shed two pounds! Yippy!!! If I want to keep up the walking though ( which I do!) I'm going to need to track down some good walking shoes, because my "house shoes" just aren't going to work. I guess that's why they're called house shoes, huh?

After a BIG glass of water and a quick shower, I started helping Eliza put together her new desk...It took about 20 seconds for her to decide that instead of me helping her, I should just be the one to put it together and she'd bring me parts as I needed them. :-) lol It took a few hours and one or two minor modifications from the instructions, but it's together and beautiful. When I left she was busy stocking it with calanders, pencils and other "eli-isms". :)

I'm not sure what the plan is for tomorrow. I'll see if my mom needs me more, and if so I'll walk over there...if not there's tons of work to be done here, laundry, picking up, grocery lists to be made etc. I'll try to charge my camera batteries and up load some more pictures. Eli's been after me to get some for her anyway so I have an excuse. :)
ps) Lilly, I got your letter!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"eli-isms" eh? sounds cool ; )
thanks for the desk and instrucions...we've had some problems in the past...and i don't know if we'll be able to get over them...all the really know? ;) love you!