Monday, April 20, 2009

Blueberry Pancakes

Today was a fairly slow day here. My little Anthony has an awful cold that has made nursing almost impossible, and sleep?-Well we're on the medicine sleep routine, the one where you wake up every 4 hours an 20 minutes to a grumbly baby who feels like he's about a million degrees. Yeah....not much sleep. Heather and her girls came over for the day though, and that was lots of fun. We got to flop on the sofa and talk patterns and baby names while the littles played. We even had a fancy dinner of blueberry pancakes. :)

I didn't get much done in the way of sewing, but I did get almost everything prewashed, and most of Jenny's t-shirt dresses cut and ready to go. Tomorrow our cats go in for their surgeries, so Joe is working from home so that he can bring them in in the morning. There is no way I can get 4 cats and 2 children anywhere by 7:30am! Him being home will mean that Anthony can nap on his shoulder...which means I will get sewing time!

Sick Baby needs me, so that's all for today!

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