So...I've been thinking about a new series of posts...I have a hard time with the ones that are to be posted on a certain days, so I thought I'd make up my own that I can post whenever the mood hits. :) Please feel free to join me on your own blog... just put a link to my post in yours and add a comment so I can go see! The rules are simple...just share at least one picture that truly makes you happy. :)

See? I told you he was pulling up now! Please excuse the torn apart room background....I'm wreaking havoc on our home....lots of stuff to donate, lots of trash and lots more order!! :) Oh, and yes, that is the sad, empty shell of my bassinet, all ready to be packed away. It has since moved into the garage, where it will patiently await our third edition.

I've really been wanting to use the sling more with Anthony. I've already "worn" him more than I did Jenny, but he's been getting to big to carry in the front or in the hip carry. I ordered a mei-tai that will be great for it, but I couldn't wait. :) The new sling will spread the weight out better, and hold him snugger which will be great! But how cute is this? :-D Oh, and if you wonder about the cord he's got, that's my schnazy new nursing necklace. We really love it! I can't recomend them goes on my list of "very useful breastfeeding accessories" (boppy, nursing bras, nursing necklace lol) *~Link to Etsy store that I got it

After walking around for about 30 minutes he threw a big fit (hates going to sleep for me right now)-durring which he could NOT throw himself out of the sling (lol, he sure tested it though!), and then passed right out. :)


This is my new Favorite shirt of his...I'm very proud of the fact that he was exclusivly breastfed (and still is mainly-the odd animal cracker hardly counts!) until he was 6+ months old. People always ask me what he eats and act shocked that I nurse this is a bit of harmless breastfeeding pride. :) (Available from
THIS very "crunchy" Etsy shop)

And this is what's on the kneedles these days...something to work on durring quiet moments...
I really ought to join you in the pic post:-) I get some that just make me smile or laugh...ought to be shared:-)
That nursing necklace is an interesting idea! Liam always liked it when I'd wear my cameo or turquoise necklaces...would fiddle with them and then try to yank them off. Great idea though!
How old is Anthony now? 8 months? People always seemed to be surprised with the nursing/weight gain with us too. He is only now weaned(going on about 2 months now). Kind of weird really:-)
Have a great night!
Lots of love,
I love this post idea! I wanted to let you know I've added a post to my own blog and I linked it (I think). Thank you for this!
There are all kinds of cool nursing necklaces popping up around the internet now. I saw one the other day that would definitely keep the little hands busy. My youngest who is still nursing doesn't twiddle but my oldest drove me nuts with the wandering hands. LOL!
I love the pictures! And your baby blanket looks lovely :) I can't wait to have a baby to put in a sling!! I really, really think I felt baby move for the first time today... It felt like, "thump, thump, thump" from the inside out!! I'll email you soon- tomorrow probably!
Lots of love friend,
Lauren Christine
Anthony is SO cute. I know I have said this many times before! You are a blessed mommy!
I'm starting my first real knitting project. We will see how it goes.....
Happy New Year!
Oh goodness, Anthony is definitely one of the cutest baby boys I've ever seen - I realize that more and more every time I see a new pic of him! Pulling up! Wow!
It's always sad for me to put up bassinets and little things too. :( I just moved my 2 year old out of his crib last week (he learned to climb out) and even though he's definitely a "big boy" now it still made me soooo sad to put it away.
LOVE the idea of a nursing necklace... why have I never heard of these before. My little one loves my necklace (not a nursing necklace) and I am so afraid she is going to yank it off one day. Oh, I gotta get one of these!!
What a happy looking baby! Absolutely adorable! You're lucky to have such a cute model for your items.
aw, he's so darling, it never ceases to amaze me, watching the little ones grow and change that is. aren't slings a life saver! I so miss my littlest being able to use one, she's 18 1/2 mo. now and far to wiggly. fun to see your knitting as well, I just started learning.
Mackenzie, I have not heard from you since I announced your name for the winner of the Beatrix Potter book on Tuesday. Today is Wed. 7:00 PM pst. I will post a new winner tomorrow morning by 8:30 A.M. if I don't hear back okay? Send me an email to
Hope you get this message!
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