Sunday, January 13, 2008

5 Years of Marriage...

Well, not for me, but if you take the 2 years and 7 months that Joe and I have reached today, and the two years and 5 months (busy summer!) that my brother Zac and sweet "bonus sister" reach today, that's 5 years! :-P So I thought I'd share a picture or two, and wish Zac and Heather a happy 29 month anniversary! :-D
Heather and Zac August 13th, 2005

Me and Joe (evidently the only picture I have on the computer) June 13th, 2005

And just for fun, here are pictures of our almost-two's (sniff, sniff)
Miss Charlotte Anne
Miss Genevieve Elaine
And just because, this is my *very favorite* picture of Jenny...she was 26 hours old. :-)

1 comment:

Lauren Christine said...

I just love your pictures! :) Jenny is so precious.