Wednesday, October 18, 2006

A New Season

Hello all! Fall is officialy under way...the trees are changing, and it looks like a rather yellow year. Not my favorite, but pretty nun the less. However I must say that today is far to hot for this time of year and I'm looking forward to the colder days coming for good. With this season though we've seen lots of Lady Bugs...oh's not as bad as it could be! (So far anyway!!)

Today I went to Curves with Heather and I really liked it. I feel like I got a good work out, but I'm not really worn out so that's a good combination. :) And this week the sign up fee is waived so I'll just have to pay the $29.00 monthly fee instead of the $69.00 sign up fee plus this month's fee. Hurray for saving $70.00!! But it's alot of fun, and I like going with Heather, it makes it way more fun than going by myself. I'm going to go back on Friday with her and I'll sign up then.

Right now I have a Chocolate Cappucino tart in my tart burner and it smells sooo good! I got to play hostess when Heather came over for lunch after curves. :) Very fun.

Well, my long entry is going to be cut short as Jenny has tired of exploring the living room and is calling for me to come get her...maybe it's nap time...??

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

make sure you sign up with heather, because i think she gets a free t-shirt or something for having a friend sign up :)