Friday, February 06, 2009

Recent Pictures--Catching up! 2

Virginia is not a snowy place. One day I will live in a snowy place, but in the mean time, my children will have to work with what the get. :) So... After our first snow, Jenny went out after Joe got home from work, and in the few moments left of light, they built her first snowman. It could be argued that it was more of an ice man, but she was happy with it, so we didn't mess with it. :) She put on her snowsuit and boots for about 5 minutes outside. Lots of bundle-ing, not allot of snow!
What was left after the snowman got tracked in on her gloves. :)
Then the other day, we got more snow...what excitement! What shouting! The snowsuit went back on right after lunch, because *gasp* the snow was already melting!
She explained to me how you have to start with a tiny ball and then Daddy pushes it around and makes it bigger. (I wonder where she learned to delegate like that??) ;)And then TA-DA mommy walks outside at just the right moment with a scarf, sunglasses, raisens, and a carrot nose! Jenny ate raisons, Joe put the mouth on, and I got the extreme honor of placing the scarf around the rather hard to find neck. :) SUCCESS! This is Jenny's very first taller-than-her snowman. Here's to many more!!

ps) I'm nearly at 300 posts (yay!), and I'm thinking of doing a giveaway...and, my sister-in-law Heather (known more commonly as Ducky) is nearing her 100th post, and is also thinking of a giveaway.... so head over there for a peak at what's going on there, and keep your eyes opened here for details! Oh, and be sure to scroll down on Heather's blog...she has been sharring some of her b-e-a-u-tiful quilting over the past few months!


The dB family said...

That is a really good snowman considering the amount of snow you have on the ground! I think ours was the same size, and we have no lack of snow whatsoever.

I love Jenny's expression!

~T~ said...

Awesome! It apparently doesn't snow much in England either and we got it too!